Debugging options

There are a couple of compilation options to help with debugging HANDE.

  • The -g option to tools/ enables compiler options for warnings and run-time checking.

  • The -DDEBUG preprocessor flag enables additional debugging output. Currently this is stack traces when stop_all is called to terminate with an error - the addresses given can be converted to file:line number information with addr2line. For example:

    $ /path/to/hande.x test.lua
    HANDE stops in subroutine: run_hande_lua.
    Reason: File does not exist:test.lua

    The addresses are not conserved between builds, compilers, optimisation levels and so on. The filenames can be included if -rdynamic is included in the linker flags:

    HANDE stops in subroutine: run_hande_lua.
    Reason: File does not exist:test.lua

    The actual source (file and linenumber) can be found using either addr2line or gdb (easier). With addr2line:

    $ addr2line +0x469177 -e /path/to/hande.x

    and with gdb:

    $ gdb /path/to/hande.x
    (gdb) list *__lua_hande_MOD_run_lua_hande+0x6e1
    0x485027 is in lua_hande::run_lua_hande (src/lua_hande.F90:92).
    88                    ! Read input file on parent and broadcast to all other processors.
    89                    if (parent) then
    90                        call get_command_argument(1, inp_file)
    91                        inquire(file=inp_file, exist=t_exists)
    92                        if (.not.t_exists) call stop_all('run_hande_lua','File does not exist:'//trim(inp_file))
    94                        write (6,'(a14,/,1X,13("-"),/)') 'Input options'
    95                        call read_file_to_buffer(buffer, inp_file)
    96                        write (6,'(A)') trim(buffer)

    where __lua_hande_MOD_run_lua_hande+0x6e1 was the address of interest from the stacktrace. Note the * prefix. The same can be done with just the bare address if -rdynamic isn’t used.

    addr2line is a little more involved if -rdynamic is used – one needs to find the offset for the function of interest and hence find the line address by adding the address relative to the function start. For example, in:


    the function is __errors_MOD_stop_all (stop_all in the errors module). The start address can be found from objdump:

    $ objdump -T /path/to/hande.x | grep __errors_MOD_stop_all
    0000000000625b6e g    DF .text    0000000000000c0c  Base        __errors_MOD_stop_all

    The first field is the address in hexadecimal. Hence:

    $ python -c 'print(hex(0x0000000000625b6e+0x1c2))'
    $ addr2line -e /path/to/hande.x 0x625d30

    Note the explicit 0x prefix for the start address of __errors_MOD_stop_all.